Sunday, June 05, 2011

Someone once told me I was awesome and I believed them

Here is an original 'Karen' quote I posted on another site: "Someone once told me I was awesome and I believed them"

It occurred to me a some time ago we need to believe the wonderful things people say about and to us.  Of course, proper response is to own it, accept it and say Thank You.  We are often too quick to dismiss a compliment perhaps out of fear that we may come across as too boastful, and we want to remain humble and unassuming- I would encourage you to accept your brilliance; especially when someone sees you as such.  They see the real you!  Who are you to argue with THEIR brilliance and great opinion?  :0). Especially when the compliment comes from someone you respect and hold in esteem yourself. 

When you have a negative thought about yourself or someone shares their opinion about you; you have a choice; you can agree or disagree. If you agree - another thought occurs to me: Is this true?  And if so, do you want to change it? 

It is always an opportunity for self discovery and growth. Be thankful for the growth opportunity move on.

Let's share: what is something wonderful someone said to you, or told you and YOU believed them?  

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