Sunday, July 10, 2011

My Busy Mind

I am wondering how many more projects could I possibly have on the go?

Are you like me, your mind is full of brilliance and ideas waiting to come to life?  I was participating in a Master Mind Group with my Story Coach Class and another participant - described her mind as busy and how she loved to have a lot on the go -- this was interesting, it was like she was in my head, speaking my words.

Since then I have decided that THIS is how my mind works, in multitudes of ideas and thoughts -- and I am going to go with it.  That is why my desk is full of notes, bits of coloured paper, mind maps upon mind maps and colourful brain dumps.

Now onto completion!  My mother said something funny this morning, she is making to-do lists from her to-do lists.  I am sure many of you relate.  I have a book -- with many pages and I think...isn't this great? busy mind.  Off I go.

Have a brilliant day!