Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Becoming more creative and peaceful in my work

Today; I posted a question on my Facebook - What would it take for me to feel more peaceful and creative in this work?

When I reflect on this question; I sit and look around me.  My 'office' is not, I am assuming, what you would expect.  Yes, I have a desk, a laptop, printer etc.  However I am surrounded by all the things that make me happy:  markers, coloured paper, beautiful items such as gifts (my Yoda, my jewelled journal etc.).  I have photos of my family.  I have a wizard to remind me of the my magic and my own power to create.  My library is also here -- I might have close to 250 books on subjects ranging from Angels to Shiftwork.

I take an ordinary task and colour it!  I use coloured paper to write notes on. I use markers of all colours while working with clients - and while I am in class I doodle and draw and decorate my notes.  This makes me smile, makes me happy and feeds my need to be creative in a structured setting! 

I create peace by having silence when necessary. Often I will burn incense to start a new project!  As the week moves on my desk becomes filled with all I have touched, done and am working on.  Sometime over the weekend I come in and sift through the work and create a clear space from which I can start again. 

I also create peace around my work by writing an affirmation or an intention for each client I work with; this surrounds us and the space with peace and support.  I love this part of the appointment.  I write the intention and then let the session unfold in a manner that supports both the client and myself. 

What rituals do you have to bring more creativity and peace into your work?

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