Friday, January 04, 2013

Very Cool Find

So, on December 3rd and 4th  I posted about being in a patch of pain and wonderment --  here are the links:  December 3, December 4.  At any rate; as everything usually is -- it was perfect.

It was about 10 days later I went to meet up with a friend in Edmonton for a some much needed woman friend time.   We were in one of our favourite used book stores and I found this book -- drawn to it really and then I saw the title.

You know I had to get it!  

So, I get it home, and I open it up -- and what else is inside?

Another message from the Universe - saying yes, you are supported and loved.  You are on track.

Inside the front cover is this:

Heart with the letter - E.  Simple enough.  Obviously a gift to the previous owner.
 NOW, it was a gift for me; signed and passed on -- from a (now deceased) favourite uncle -  Uncle Ed; Ed, whom I called 'E' .
E and I - 1965 

Message received.  Thank you 

The world is just great isn't it.  All is perfect, all is well.

I will leave you with a quote from the book:

The real voyage of discovery consists not in 
seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.  

~ Marcel Proust ~ 

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