I am back from 5 days in Arizona - lovely soul refreshing time. I met a friend and we attended Celebrate Your Life Conference - it was completely wonderful. I attended great sessions; Gregg Braden; Michael Benard Beckwith, James Van Pragh, Michael Tamura, Dr. Joe Dispenza and Doreen Virtue.
I loved all the sessions and learned something from all of them. The reoccurring lesson; practice -- what you learn and what you want to adopt and integrate into your life -- practice. Do it!
I also loved: our spiritual path is who we are in relation to....others, circumstances and events. Are we relating through the heart (love) or the ego (fear). The goal is always love. Love is expansive and full of opportunity and fear is constricting and tight.
Doreen Virtue showed us the 'energy' of words. How they look as they are measured by the sound technician. Negative or fearful words look flat and small; while words of positivity and love are full of energy! This is similar to the Messages in the Water - where when a word was applied to a crystal of water it was observed how it transformed to either beauty or into a crystal of darkness and deformation.
Gregg Braden spoke about the end of the 5th Great World Age -- and how at the end of every other Great World Age -- there has always been global warming and extreme weather and events. This seem to release a lot of guilt in the audience regarding the human impact on the global scale. He said that major civilizations had disappeared in the past due to war over resources -- sounds familiar. It was interesting -- 2012 is a time for human transformation -- a time when we enter into the 6th Great World Age - a time of love and peace - if this is how WE choose to live. A Great World Age is: 5126 years...if you are interested in learning more about this I suggest you visit his site. He spends his time visiting sites and the people of the ancient wisdoms. He has many books and discussions on the topic of the matrix of life. It puts a scientific spin on spirituality and connection - love this!
I found the whole conference lovely and affirming - that I am on the right track with my beliefs and my knowings. I am not alone in this - as there were 600-700 people there who believed as well. All the sessions spoke about moving from our hearts - our hearts are designed to speak to the matrix of life; the web of life and when our hearts and our minds work together - there is NOTHING we cannot do!
So now the lessons and the discussion integrate as I move back into the 'real' world of physical needs and living and loving on this planet. I encourage all who are drawn to find a way to learn and deepen their connection to their true selves and to what makes their heart sing! That is how we will bring peace, love and happiness into the world; by bringing into ourselves first.
Love Love