Friday, March 19, 2010



I had an opportunity this week to think about what brings me joy -- I have a lot in my life, that creates that sense of joy. I remember to express gratitude for all that I have, all that I experience and all I do - I am lucky. The more I remember to express gratitude and be open to recognizing joy in my life - the happier I am...and you guessed it - the happier I am the more I have to be happy about.

I have decided that I will live my life with joy as the motivator -- "does this bring me joy?" If I encounter a time when I might not have the -yes- answer follow that question, I will need to ask: 'how could it bring me joy or how could this bring joy to someone else?'.

I am learning everyday, remembering who I am and remembering our primary purpose here is to experience happiness through the gift of love.

Have a great day!