Today I was sitting with my fabulous pink tartan net book on my lap and I was looking for a piece I have been adding to since February. It is not a piece really, it is a journal entry.
Anyway, while looking through my files, adding key words in a the search bar I ended up finding a piece I wrote a year ago. I have posted today on my other blog. Have a look if you are interested.
I am currently in a situation where my heart is leading the way, thoughts are flowing from it regularly. So this is newly found piece is timely.
I am now going to spend some time moving through some other files I have here on this beautiful net book.
Currently I am sitting in a hotel room in St. John's Newfoundland. My view are the hills along side the St. John's harbor, Signal Hill - a great view. Every morning I find myself being drawn to this wonderful view. Watching as the sun clears the fog, lifts the clouds and brightens the day.
At any rate, there was a time in the recent past when I was writing more, and the time has arrived again.
Blessings to you.
Have a brilliant day.