As many of you know; I walk. I walk daily; well almost daily. This is the one activity I can participate in physically that I don't feel beat up the next day - I deal with and live with Fibromyalgia and chronic pain; so sometimes when I over exert; I am not able to do much of anything the rest of the day or the following day. This is another blog topic, this post today is about my walking, really it is about my magic shoes.
I was walking this morning and realized, again how I felt walking in this particular pair of shoes. A bit of background to understand before we move forward. A few years ago I had some damage to my ankle, bony island or some such thing, enough that that the swelling and the sharp shooting pains brought me to physio and had me wearing high top boots to support my sore ankle; an ankle that has never truly healed and still swells and pains. Flash back to last year, I injured my back, bulging disc, degenerative disc issues; you probably have experienced or know someone who has back issues, so you have an idea about the discomfort that may arise. It turned out my boots, were too heavy for my back to walk in (this was also at a time when every step sent shooting pains through my body). Since my boots were too heavy for my back and it was coming on spring I switched into a beautiful pair of flat high tops, a pair of black, flat soled shoes with a purple peace sign on the outside -- fun right? Right! So I walked in these most of the summer until I had to use the sewing medium, known as Speed Sew to repair them, this proved to be a temporary solution.
This brings me to my current pair, Avia high top aerobic shoes -- ha ha you read correctly - aerobic shoes. I have had these shoes, well, if I said a decade or more I would be pretty close. I was, in a past life, a fitness instructor and personal trainer; so I have a few pairs of these. Now aerobic shoes are flat bottomed which I like; sort of like being on the ground with no elevated heel etc. and I have always liked to feel the ground, and taught many fitness classes in my bare feet. Anyway, these shoes...I put them on and what happened? I started walking stronger, like my legs were fired up, I stood straighter, with posture my body remembers from my pain free strong bodied days. So this morning I noticed it again. I was walking firmly, with determination and strength. I loved it. Loved it!
This got me thinking about the energy in these shoes. The past energy of strength, health and fitness are in these shoes. I, a person who loves to speak about, be with and create great energy - was wondering - could this be true? Were these shoes transferring all that great energy from years ago into my body, could these shoes be part of my healing, part of my moving through this segment in my life where pain is my current companion? I am going to go with yes, these shoes will now be a tool on my path of healing.
These high top aerobic shoes from the 1990's now feel like Dorothy's Ruby Slippers, they are magical.