Yesterday I had a brilliant day, connecting with four wonderful women! It is soul fulfilling to truly connect and see another person (s). My connection with two of these women goes way back - the connection started individually with these women, and as the world seems to be now smaller with fewer degrees of separation -- these beautiful women came together, and now we are all connected on another level. We have deepened our connection.
I had another opportunity to connect with my daughters, through technology - one through our messenger program through our phones, and the other through technology via our computers. Every day I connect with my parents through the phone. I love the world-today, we can stay connected with people even though they are thousands of miles away. Here is the link. We need to act on it -- to do it. We need to put energy into our connection.
Today, I will have the pleasure of connecting to nature with another friend on a walk through the woods behind my house. Connection with a friend, with my 'ocean' the trees and with the rhythm of nature.
Connection in today's world can take on many forms - with our world filled with technology it is easier than ever to stay connected and it would seem on a physical level we can stay connected. However, what if we cannot or do not have have a method of connection we cannot phone, email, text or face to face - what do we do then?
I spend a lot of time in thought - and we know that thoughts have an energy to them. So I spend time thinking, putting out a loving thought to friends and or family that I have not physically connected with in awhile and to me, they are right there. I have sent out my intention of loving thoughts and they are there with me in my heart. I feel connected.
My challenge to you: if you are feeling disconnected: do something that you feel called to do to reconnect with that person or persons. Perhaps, you start by looking at photographs, thinking of times spent together, perhaps you write a letter (a lost mode of connection); you send them an email; a simple text....who do you need to connect with today?