Monday, April 25, 2011


Lately I have been thinking about gratitude (again) and how it changes my world.  When I start to pay attention to what is great and wonderful in my world - I start to see more great and wonderful in my world. 

I would have to admit a few times recently I have caught myself thinking from lack.   This is not unusual - as it is very easy to see what we don't have- what we are lacking - what we need. 

Now the trick is to quickly see the other side - the faster and quicker we do the nicer, calmer and more peaceful our world can be.  We do after all live in a world of duality - meaning when we see the negative there is a positive.  

What is the positive?  I have SO much in my world to be grateful for and am so very pleased to pay attention to it -- naming it and claiming it! 

Well here is my gratitude list for today.

  • healthy family
  • a relaxing morning - my office is just up the stairs from my kitchen OR where ever I take my lap top/phone or materials
  • sunshine - no snow on the ground this morning - that WAS lovely
  • opportunity to access technology to attend classes from across the globe
  • glitter pencils ;-).
  • a bank account with money to buy groceries
  • making dinner from the deli -- and giving myself permission to do so on occasion! 
  • my hot tub
  • my journal and my beautiful glass fountain pens complete with purple ink (of course)
  • my meditation music I play while I am preparing workshop material
  • my iTunes account
  • my dog, Grover - so I get up and out and move from my desk (where some afternoons I seem to be glued)
  • my BB so I stay in touch with my Chicklets!
  • my beautiful inspiring office, filled with books, colour and photos
  • my brilliant clients and workshop participants -- inspiring people!
  • my colleagues - keeping me on my toes - they keep me going moving toward my business goals.
  • spell check (of course)
  • DVR - movies I have ready for when I need to be inspired and put joy in my heart, TV shows I just love - and I can watch on MY time!
  • audio books - aren't they just the greatest!
  • apps - of course!  Fun!
  • my new bed - back healing supportive very firm bed!
I am sure there are 100s more today, this list is a great start. 
Now I am off to let Grover out - yes, I have been at my desk for about 1.5 hours now and it is time to move!  I am preparing to attend a tele class - offered by someone who is probably sitting in their office - half way around the world - and I will be joined by 100s of people - some in their PJs at their desks (like me!), in their easy chairs, on their sofas and I think -- this is just brilliant!

Have the best evening - fine and wonderful people.

Love to you!